Thursday, December 15, 2011

15th December 2011

"You treacherous, sadistic little hussy." As much as I love blogging about you. I am going to stop. YES. Its done. You no longer hold any special place here. You're normal again. And I don't mean any of those lines, they're just really cool. And well they are from my favorite current movie - The Art Of Getting By. 

Today I feel much better. Though surprised, I'm really happy that certain "things" happened today. The Teenage with the wise words made me realize the fact above stated. It really feels nice to know that people are there to hep you out. And moreover, whatever happens, some friends really do remain friends. Its funny. Today has really been paradoxical, compared to what I was going through these last 2-3 days. I am feeling a bit positive as of now. Im almost done with forgetting the past, It just needs to fade out now. Atleast I didn't get taken for granted. It again, is a learning experience. And lastly, Im done trying man. Imma chill out now. Focus. Focus on what I want for the future, what my goals would be. Two competitions next week. I mean, its been ages since I went for a competition and suddenly, Baam! Two in a row! HOW SWEET IS THAT? Im really happy to just be playing you know. I have been missing classes. :P I hope that doesn't get fucked up. Ive really taken some decisions today. I have decided to read a book. Yes, still seems impossible, but I will read it. The Fountainhead. It was recommended to me by a fellow blogger. And whatever she said, made a lot of sense and really made me all anxious about it. So yes, Im going to read it, or at least, try to read it. :P 

Recorded my second song today. Its 75% done. Laid out the basic format today. The audio interface and monitors really help in getting recording done. Its much easier and much more efficient. Im liking it. Theres progress everywhere. Im really going to let everything out here. Around 4 songs, everything that is inside of me will come out. I just hope it comes out beautifully. Im currently really liking what I've come up with. I hope that the creativity still keeps running the next time I connect my lead to the guitar, the next time I hold the pick, the next time I think of an idea in my head. Its really funny sometimes. I come up with some small thing, and slowly it builds up into this epic piece inside my head. It really sounds cool, the idea and everything, inside my head. Recently, I wasn't being able to get that out from my guitar, but now it seems to work. It really feels great. I really need to find someone to sing this. I just wish I could be a better singer. Im really really liking the vocal line that I've written. Its not structured, not the usual, its odd, and thats what I like about it. It just, flows. Will be recording a band soon as well. Im really looking forward to that. It will be my first experience recording someone I've never met in my life. :P So yeah, thats from the 25th. And then theres Sunrise Inc. on the 24th. This friend of mine wanted to make the plan for that day. Though I haven't heard them much, and Im not that into that kind of music, but ill just take my camera and click. That way, I can get back to working with the lens as well. Its been ages since I took a picture just randomly. I really miss those random moments when I would come up with something really creative and click it instantly. What else? Umm, thats all I'm feeling right now. :P 

Listen to this album Until We Have Faces by American Rock Band "R3D" or RED. Its simply beautiful. EVERY FUCKING SONG. Its a delight. A real delight.