Sunday, March 11, 2012

Those High Times #3

Let me tell you one thing. Girls are so dumb, its not even funny. I really thought they would have a mind on their own, I thought they had an intelligent mind - but theres no one like that. That's really sad. I mean, its not really hard to differentiate the asshole and the good guy you know. We know in 5 seconds if a person is in ass, or if he's the good one. Where does your brain fuck up where you don't know how to distinguish? The good guy stays with you for much longer than that asshole you're going to be in a relationship with. He loves you far more than that bastard, he's going to take more care of you than any of those jerks out there and he's going to respect you more than anyone. Is that something less? Or you're looking for something more? Like a fucked up brain which these assholes have? So, they look hot, proud and cocky - Y U LIKE THEM? And Im talking from experience - this is somewhat how it happens :-

The good guy shares a really friendly relationship with the girl. He thinks she's damn beautiful and the most legit and true person out there. She just thinks of the good guy as a friend, not someone she would date or go out with. You hide your feelings, but whatever you want to say to her, you ultimately say it. And the day you tell her, she replies by saying that she needs you "as a friend" or "My past is fucked up, I don't believe in relationships." What would be the difference between then and now? Let me tell you - its going to be the same. He's gonna talk in the same way he has always talked with you. You will be his top priority like it was before. He's going to take care of you just like before. Still, he expects nothing. The only thing changes is that he tells you what he has already been feeling for so long. Nothing else. And it doesn't make you a difference because you never thought of him in that context. So isn't that the ideal guy you want? So where is the fucking brain here? I hate how boys have somehow come to a level where they have really become mature. What is with the girls man? I only know a handful of girls who have chosen the right guy. And that is a rarity, sadly. 

I always question myself as to why all this shit happens to the good guys? Its said that we don't say the things at the right time. So what the fuck is the right time? He tells you he loves you, you tell him to stop thinking that way and in a matter of days you're in a relationship with some asshole? Now where does the "I don't believe in relationships" come from? Where does the "I need you as a friend right now" come from? I really want to know. Why are you all so fucking dumb? Open your minds. It would be better if you think twice before taking a decision. I have faced this experience first hand, and trust me, everyone breaks. You don't have the right to go around breaking peoples hearts. 

And for those who have gone through something like this, for future use - fucker. Its not that you don't deserve her, she doesn't deserve you. So forget about her, because trust me - its better.