Thursday, March 8, 2012

My thoughts on "KONY 2012"

So the world was exposed to KONY 2012 around two days back. It send a shockwave throughout Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Blogger and any other social network site that exists. So what is KONY 2012 really about? It is a program run by a 'non-profit organization' called Invisible Children. This was my experience through the whole movie and what I felt about it, and what I feel about it now. 

So I found the video link of the video on a friends profile on Facebook. I have no idea what made me watch it, but I had just gotten over with my English exam and was too bored. After watching the whole movie, I cried. I told my parents about it, took the pledge on their site and ordered 3 action packs. I was suddenly stoked about 20th April 2012. It was as if I had found this motive in life, to say the at least. I was really stoked about it. I shared it on Facebook, posted it on my friends' walls etc etc. And then the whole world started posting about it. Then I came across this link to an article on the Red Seas Fire page (its a British Band) and what I read really made me sad. You can read the article here :-

I don't want to repeat whatever is written there. And it is important you read the whole thing to understand what this is all about. So according to the article, Invisible Child are basically making money out of this so called campaign for rescuing kids in Uganda and Africa against the atrocities of Joseph Kony. I felt as if everything that I had thought about the whole day was now useless. It felt as if I had been fooled, as if the world had been fooled. I slept on that. -.- But today, I looked at a more broader aspect. So here's this organization who is trying to make Kony famous so that he gets known throughout the world and gets persecuted for the heinous acts he has committed against the children of Uganda and Africa. Now if this organization is somehow making this possible? If this organization is interacting with the US government and helping out the Ugandan army in somehow killing Kony, what is the harm if they make some money out of it? If it gets the job done, where is the problem? 

Again, this is just what I think. People are going to be fickle minded. Let them be. First the video went viral, so people started posting about it praising Invisible Children, now after the blog post of Visible Children - people are hating Invisible Children. Why? Can't you just do some research and make your stand? An affirmative stand? I made my stand. Yes, I do feel a bit weird about the whole KONY 2012 movement and Invisible Children, but if it weren't for them - We would not have known. So I still support the movement, but keep in mind that I also support the need for Joseph Kony to be convicted and killed. I hope this movement goes somewhere. Im going to be out on the streets of Delhi on the 20th of April. WIll you?