Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So its 4:28 am. February 29th - yeah, the extra day that comes every 4 years. :P What will I be doing tomorrow/today? Well, studying maths. Yeah, exams from Friday. I'm only scared about Maths, everything else is great. Yeah, I've been studying 7-8 hours of ONLY Maths for the past 3-4 days. Its torturing so to say. My hands hurt. But the reason I'm up right now? THE NEW JASON MRAZ EP YOOO! Man! This new EP is the shizz! It made my fucking day! Im really happy right now! REALLY! Anyway, so basically - Ive got a LOT to plan for March and April! GOD! And all that will require quite a stable state of mind - yeah, I'm reaching there. 

I feel much better now, generally. I don't know, maybe my views about some things have changed. In the past years, with the experiences I've faced - I may have become a bit judgmental. Yeah, I know its wrong but I somehow feel that it would safeguard me for sometime at least. I won't trust anyone blindfoldedly maybe, or even give anyone a benefit of a doubt (which I have been doing in the past). At the moment, I really have a less number people that I really trust, and I just want to keep my relations with them the same. I obviously have emotional expectation and requirements, but Im just going to keep that on less priority now. Yes, a lot of change in priorities has occurred in the past 2-3 months. Though I'm still confused about what I really want to do. I mean, university and then what? Just another month and ill be in class 12. The deciding year. If it comes to studies, their burden is SO much right now - WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN 12th? Then BOARDS! AAA! And the disadvantage of the wonderful CCE, I have no experience of a fucking Board Exam. Yeah, thats for that Kapil Sibbal. One more thing I'm thinking about is really opening to people more. I mostly just say what I want to, but I've kept a lot inside for a long time. And I'm tired of peoples diplomacy. It doesn't work for me anymore. It may have worked some time back, but now it really pisses me off. So before I forget anything, I guess Im just going to make use of my wonderfully creative mind and just say some stuff to a certain number people. Yes, it involves some really deep stuff, apologies to a large number of people. and some answers from some people. 

Another thing - Going off somewhere with just friends after the exams get over. Really looking forward to that. I have never had a trip with JUST friends - So that is a first. That would be great! EXAMS! Y U NO GET OVER? :P (Imagine the troll picture please!). AND AND AND! I need to convince my parents to buy me the Download 2012 tickets as fast as possible! God, please make this happen! PLEASE! Its the 10th anniversary - METALLICA, BLACK SABBATH, TRIVIUM, DEVIN TOWNSEND, MACHINE HEAD, PERIPHERY! AAAAAAA! PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN! I DO NOT WANT ANYTHING ELSE FROM YOU! Okay, Im done. :P