Monday, September 12, 2011

12th September 2011

Well I guess I can reveal the thing I was really happy about. My band, Penguin Park finally got a gig! :D We are going to play @ Manajsa on the 13th of October. So this is going to be HUGE! Its our first gig ever and im really stoked about it! We've been working our asses of for more than 2 and a half years, winning at the school level, but we really wanted to go outside the school level and perform. I mean I really have to say, thanks to our friend and manager Aparajita for getting us this gig. This is really amazing. Yeah, I guess ive used all adjetives I could do describe the happiness im going through right now. This actually gave me quite a relief from all the boring studies going on right now. :P Really.

I got up early today because my Maths tutor had to come at around 10:30, and well he ultimately landed up at 1:30. I tried studying a bit during that time. Now my mac has been taken away by my parents, and I cant even use it for 1 hour in a day. My mom said she may gave it to me for sometime after my first exam on the 19th. This is not good. :/ Anyway. Then I went for guitar class which was utterly boring and a waste of time. No progress in my Grade 7 course. :/ Then I went to Manajsa allong with my bandmates to talk to the person in charge there. She showed us around the place, talked about everything - The sound, to the promotion, cover charges and all that proffesional stuff. Felt good. :P And the surprising thing, someone is opening for us, So we are the headlining act for the gig! The acapella group of Jesus and Mary College will open for us! :O And this gig is a part of Rolling Stones. HOW BETTER CAN IT FUCKING BE? :O I guess Ill stop with all the excitement. :P I left because I had to reach home early, while these guys stayed and im sure had beer because there was a special discount today and Beer was available for a just a hundred bucks. :P I reached back home, had my lunch. Yeah, coz my Maths teacher left at 2:30 and I directly went for my Guitar Class. And then I slept. I was too tired from yesterday night, didnt get enough sleep so I slept. I woke up at around 7:30, called up my mom and told her to come home from office. She said she'll come in a little while and she ultimately reached home at  8:30. I was using the computer that time, I was on facebook making the event of the gig and inviting people and then she got pissed. We had a discussion for like half an hour where she told me that I have to put in more hours per day, that theres only 6 days remaining for me exams to start, and well - Its kind of true. I do have to put in more hours. After that I had dinner with my parents, studied history and closed the books like half an hour back. Now Im waiting for the stupid modem to work so that I can upload this post. AIRTEL! :/

So today was good. Really good infact. Yeah, thats about it. :)