Wednesday, September 21, 2011

21st September 2011

I swear I have never written this much in my life in any fucking exam! I had History today. I had worked my ass off because I really want to get good marks. But seriously, I started writing at 7:20 and continued writing non-stop till around 10:35. It was intense, the amount I write. But the paper was really nice. I knew almost all answers, and well there will be some fuck ups here and there. So after the real tiry paper, I waited for my car to come to school which reached around 20 minutes late. It was really hot, and I was having a severe headache. One of my friends missed her bus, So I dropped her home and then reached home around 12. I relaxed for sometime, got to use my mac! Started working on the ET Cover that Im going to make.

After that I started studing Economics. :/ After lunch, I watched a few edisodes of Pretty Little Liars till my Economics tutor came. She got me this Danish Pie she would always talk about. They were from this place called Wengers in Connaught Place. There were 2 of them, and I finished them off in a matter of 15 minutes. They were really tasty! :P But then I got so bored in tuition that I almost slept. Yeah, I slept around 2 last night, gave a humoungous history paper at 7:30 in the morning and did not sleep after I came back from school. I studied for a bit after that. There was Kashmiri Mutton for dinner. Ohh how delightful it was! I really tried studying after eating Dinner, but I was just not able to. :/ I kept talking to this really nice friend of mine on bbm and we talked about the course of Economics and how much we'd done, talked about various series', characters in the series' etc etc. Finally she went to sleep, and I also decided to sleep. Now im just going to finish this up and go sleep. I have tuition at 10 in the morning tomorrow. Ugggh! EXAMS NEED TO END NOW! :@

Ohh wait, new post on Kuhu's blog. Opening line suggests that its going to be a deep post again. And Im going to read it, and put myself in perspective, and maybe end up thinking about it all night. Blaah. :P

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

20th September 2011

Its been a while since Ive written. First was because I had some problems going on and I was totally not in the mood. Whatever I was writing was too private and revealing. I guess it got really deep. I did post it, but then decided to remove it after many friends telling me not to share it. And then well, my exams started. Tomorrow is my second paper - History, and today I studied for more than 8 hours! Gosh. It was really really tiring. But then I finally got time to record this song I was working on, and It really sounds good. Obviously I have to make some changes and I will work on those after my exams end. Im looking for collaborating with quite a few people on this one, as I want clean as well as heavy vocals. :P Its progressive, djenty and heavy. The three basic genres Im really into these days.

Today was eventfull on a rather different note. I learnt how to make coffee, tea and generally arrange food on the table and yes, make Rotis. Since I no longer have maids in the house, Mom has taken over the charge of cooking till a new maid comes. I know, stupid topic, but it really does make a difference in your day. But what Im trying to say is, that after a really long time - My mother, father and I have had a very nice time in the sense that no ones busy with calls, or stressed out about anything to get to the extent of becoming irritated etc etc. Everyone is listening to each other. One big thing is that we are not watching the TV while eating, now we just talk and eat and help out in getting the food, putting the table etc etc. I really feel like Ive missed talking to my parents, and I really feel good. All of us have our own busy lives and we finally bonded after a long time. What else? After tomorrow, I have 3 exams remaining, and then holidays! Ohh man I cant wait for the holidays. I guess Im mentioning this in every post. :P But anyway, Ill get my mac back for the whole time. I wont have to give it at night and all that shit. So basically that will help me start working on my songs and basic sound setup. Im going to buy an audio interface, and im going to setup my amplifier head and speaker cabinet and get nice metal tones! :P Lol.

I  just finished Entourage 2 days back. What an end that was, with Zeppelin in the background. Aaahh. Now Ive started watching Pretty Little Liars. My friends told me to watch it because the chicks were hot. Well, they are. :P The story is soft of interesting as well. I watch it when I get free time. I am looking forward to catching up with my friends when holidays start. And I guess now I wont have time to write a post, so its Bye for now. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

12th September 2011

Well I guess I can reveal the thing I was really happy about. My band, Penguin Park finally got a gig! :D We are going to play @ Manajsa on the 13th of October. So this is going to be HUGE! Its our first gig ever and im really stoked about it! We've been working our asses of for more than 2 and a half years, winning at the school level, but we really wanted to go outside the school level and perform. I mean I really have to say, thanks to our friend and manager Aparajita for getting us this gig. This is really amazing. Yeah, I guess ive used all adjetives I could do describe the happiness im going through right now. This actually gave me quite a relief from all the boring studies going on right now. :P Really.

I got up early today because my Maths tutor had to come at around 10:30, and well he ultimately landed up at 1:30. I tried studying a bit during that time. Now my mac has been taken away by my parents, and I cant even use it for 1 hour in a day. My mom said she may gave it to me for sometime after my first exam on the 19th. This is not good. :/ Anyway. Then I went for guitar class which was utterly boring and a waste of time. No progress in my Grade 7 course. :/ Then I went to Manajsa allong with my bandmates to talk to the person in charge there. She showed us around the place, talked about everything - The sound, to the promotion, cover charges and all that proffesional stuff. Felt good. :P And the surprising thing, someone is opening for us, So we are the headlining act for the gig! The acapella group of Jesus and Mary College will open for us! :O And this gig is a part of Rolling Stones. HOW BETTER CAN IT FUCKING BE? :O I guess Ill stop with all the excitement. :P I left because I had to reach home early, while these guys stayed and im sure had beer because there was a special discount today and Beer was available for a just a hundred bucks. :P I reached back home, had my lunch. Yeah, coz my Maths teacher left at 2:30 and I directly went for my Guitar Class. And then I slept. I was too tired from yesterday night, didnt get enough sleep so I slept. I woke up at around 7:30, called up my mom and told her to come home from office. She said she'll come in a little while and she ultimately reached home at  8:30. I was using the computer that time, I was on facebook making the event of the gig and inviting people and then she got pissed. We had a discussion for like half an hour where she told me that I have to put in more hours per day, that theres only 6 days remaining for me exams to start, and well - Its kind of true. I do have to put in more hours. After that I had dinner with my parents, studied history and closed the books like half an hour back. Now Im waiting for the stupid modem to work so that I can upload this post. AIRTEL! :/

So today was good. Really good infact. Yeah, thats about it. :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

10th September 2011

I am really happy today. Really happy. After a long time, something good has happened. I guess I can't disclose the information publicly right now, because it involves the consent of my really close friends. I just feel that all the hard work of 2 and a half years has paid off, and now its all going to be smooth. :) But now I have to stop thinking of it. Exams fromt the 19th. :/ That means no laptop, less music, no movies, no food from outside, no going to the market etc for the next 3 weeks. But October is going to be epic! I mean, the thing im so happy about today is going to take place. Wait, I need to stop. I won't say anything else about it. :P And well, various bands are releasing their albums in September/October - So ill check those out. Metallica is coming to INDIA! Thats like the biggest event of this year. I can't wait. I just hope my tickets reach on time, and the show doesn't get cancelled (fingers crossed). Then I have my rockschool guitar exam in the last week of October. Im giving Grade 7 this time. Man its tough. I haven't been able to do enough in the past 2 months because of school and studies. Its really going to be a challenge preparing for that. And then there's Modern Extacy! Its going to be my first one, and im sure it will be insane! Then ill start jamming regularly with my bands also, start the music making process. Recording, etc etc. Woah, so much is going to happen in October. I just have to somehow get through this month. It seems really tough right now. :P

I just trimmed off my beard a while back. Yeah, the metal quotient on my face is gone, I know - SAD. Im sure my mom is going to tell me to get a haircut tomorrow. That is going to be even sadder. Im really dreading that for now. :P I was busy mixing Redemption today. Its the first self composition by my band Penguin Park. Ive been mixing it for around 5-6 days now. I just came up with a nice instrumental mix today. I finally eqed the guitars, bass and finally made the drum sound. The drum sound really bothered me for the past 2-3 days. I would make a mix, and then send it to Siddhant. Then he'd tell me what to do, what to change, what sounds good, what does not sound good. Then I would work on those things and make a new mix and then again send it to him, blah blah blah. So after that was one, I thought of starting mixing the vocals today. I gave it around half an hour - and I really couldn't come up with anything. I guess Ill just work on it tomorrow. :P I did study for a decent time today. Im slowly finishing my course for the half yearlies, and I feel good. I recorded Awake by Textures in the evening but I won't have the time to record a video of it and upload it on youtube. So that stands stalled. Like 3-4 other songs. Im relatively less tired today. The AC's not working well so that's kind of pissing off.

Today was the birthday of a really good friend of mine. I sent her a nice message last night, and she really liked it. I still feel guilty for not being able to attend her party because well I had to fucking STUDY! :/ Im sure she's pissed about it, even though she says she isn't. Now Im going to watch a movie, and then sleep. 3 tuitions tomorrow! -.-

9th September 2011

Yesterday night, I was really skeptic as to if I should go to school or not. Exams are gonna start from next week, and obviously now people have stopped coming to school. and well people are coming either to socialize or collect notes, get photocopies done etc. I landed up going to school in the end, because my mom kind of forced me to. :P In the morning I got up, and it was fucking poring outside. Yeah, its September - aren't rains like this supposed to happen in the month of July? So yeah, It was raining when my dad dropped me to school. It rained throughout the day. It was kind of pissing off coz it got all sticky and shit. Luckily I had an umbrella with me so I didn't get soaked. It stopped raining when school got over, but there were massive jams all over and it took me ages to reach home. I was very tired when I reached home. I had food with my dad. It was very funny. We were eating Rajma chawal, and the program Chakh le India was coming on the television - and that guy was making lovely mutton and chicken. And I'm like, its been ages since I had good Indian food. :P

My main objective today was to study for around 4 hours, and record the outro of One by Metallica for the Metallica EMG Contest. I didn't study for 4 hours, but I did record the outro of One. :) I again dozed off at around 5:30, and got up at quarter to 8, with repeated interruptions in between. I was supposed to have Maths tuition today, but my sir didn't come because of all the traffic on the roads. I felt really good about that. :P Then yeah, I made my time table in ICal today. Man! WHAT AN APPLICATION! Its like the best calender entry application ive ever used in my life. And the print out is so precise, feels all proffesional and shit. What else, yeah - Then my maid made amazing keema kababs in the evening. I haven't had them for a long time,. and today they were sublime! I completely filled my stomach eatng the kababs. :P Then the neighbours came over for coffee and stayed till like 1. We talked about how the tapes of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in US were so shocking. We talked about movies on that subject, talked about the High Court bomb blast that occured 2 days back - Just coming to a conclusion that the whole world is in a really bad position and that these terrorists are being supported by  normal people only. Its shocking, people don't care if anything happens to others, they just care for themselves and their money - and they do whatever it takes to get more and more. Phew! Its like the waters boiling, and slowly the lid is just gonna pop off and the water will fall out of the container its kept it.

Now, im really tired, sleepy - but I just felt like writing again. I talked to someone about blogs and I really felt good and motivated. So yeah, I started writing today's general post for my blog. So my parents take my mac in the night, and Im left stranted with my shitty windows desktop and its really annoying. Anyway, I really have to catch up on studies tomorrow. I should not have wasted time today, I didn't study at all after I came from school. I do not feel good about that. I have to get up early tomorrow. :( I wish I could just keep on sleeping all day.