Sunday, May 27, 2012

"Now I don't think you like me now."

Its one of those moments when you're just left in shock you know. You have no other option but to look away and walk off. No matter how much you want to revisit that moment again, just to see that face again - you know it was just coincidence. So I was running all around trying to find the balcony of the auditorium. I was kind of high - considering I was quite baked around two hours before that. I reached the backstage area by mistake, and there she was. She hadn't changed one bit. The same t-shirt, small jeans and heels. Maybe she got dreadlocks, but I didn't notice that much. God it was so awkward. I mean, I was sure ill see her one day, somewhere. But I never expected to see her on one of my most important days you know. Im about to go on stage in like an hour and boom - she pops in front of me. I could just stand there and keep staring at her all night, but I guess I did the right thing by just going away. Again, if i hadn't done anything. I would have been sitting with her, chilling out - helping her with the prize distributions and shit. She would have waited for my performance and maybe she would have hugged me after the performance was over. At that time, I was filled with hatred. So much hatred. But now I guess all that seems useless, though the after effects were seen on stage, for sure. 

Come to really think of how the whole thing shaped up and fell apart - you tend to miss the moments you spent with a person rather than the person. You want those moments to come back, rather than the person. Its like I've written in one of my songs - "And after all, we will find our home." Now that doesn't mean being together. Peace also exists in places where there is nothing. There is peace in the fact that she is living her own life and I'm living my own. There is peace in the fact that there is no connection between the both of us. Maybe that is what peace really is. When you are alone. Thats when you really come to realize your inner self - so to say. Do I have anything else to say? I don't think so. Would I like to say something about this whole saga? Maybe. For me its just another chapter that is now laid to rest. That was supposed to be laid to rest. I believe I've stopped dreaming now, again. Living in reality makes more sense. Somehow I go back to feeling the same way, but thats just a short time really. The fact that she's not in my mind frame anymore is calming. She's like the wave you loved to surf but don't want to anymore because even though it was cool you just crashed down. 

Why am I talking about this again, all of a sudden? Basically, nothing else has happened that seems to be important. At least, according to me. it was like a small spark in the middle of being monotonous. Thats all. Now I'm back to being all simple and monotonous and cold and non-receptive and into my own. Alone. I find peace that way. Just me and my music, just me and my pot, Thats it for now, I guess. 

Monday, May 21, 2012


Things seem weird. Its as if they aren't complete. Its like they aren't supposed to be complete. Im just left in this very strange state of happiness and sadness combined. I think theres a perfect balance of both of them, but that is somehow boring me. I used to have so much to think about. But now its like, that eagerness to write is gone - as if there's nothing inside my mind. Maybe I'm becoming less creative also. My body is just getting to lazy that I don't feel like doing anything. Like anything - except for sleeping. I got these new pairs of pillows and now the only thing I look forward to is sleeping. Ive got my concert day after tomorrow. I have been practicing for that for over a month now, hanging out with my band mates and friends and shit - but that also seems to lose interest after sometime. The progress on my EP is getting slower day by day. My musician friends are busy with school work and their SAT exam preparations and shit. They try their best to squeeze out time and work on my songs. I really appreciate that - but its starting to bug me now. I feel very anti-social. Maybe that is what I am. Maybe I am anti-social. Or again, maybe I'm thinking too much. 

Its as if everything is stagnant. I don't like stagnant. Its getting monotonous. Maybe its a sign for good things to come. Maybe its a whole cycle. Who really knows? Nothing could surprise me at this moment. Maybe the only thing that I'm actually looking forward to is reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand and well, going to Switzerland. Its been ages since I have used the camera and taken some good pictures. And well, last holiday before grueling months of studies - how can I not be thinking about that? The weather is getting shitty. Things are slowing down. I don't like things slowed down. Delhi doesn't feel the same. I don't feel the same when I walk on the road. Its as if its lost something. Its as if everything has lost something. My goal now, shall be to find the thing that is lost. I mean, for how long could it stay lost? I just wanted to write something so that I don't run out of words and ideas. So I guess thats it for now. See, this post also lacks something. This is pissing me off! AAAAA!